~ 2017的春天,我又在美国 ~
斯洛一日游 Winslow Day Trip
平时就爱看旅游节目的我,自从看了廖科溢主持的《發現北緯30度》- 美国66号公路特辑后,我默默的设下了一个新的人生目标,这辈子我一定要走一趟66号公路。这次的美国出差行有点短暂,没时间走一趟完整的66号公路,只能去就近的66号公路小镇 - 温斯洛。
After I watched a travel TV show that talked about Route 66 of United State, I had make a wish to go for a Route 66 road trip at least once in a life time. On my business trip on year 2017, I make a short trip to one of the popular town on Route 66 - Winslow.
早安美国!Good morning America!
On the way to Winslow, there are a yellow flower field by the roadside, without any plan, we stop by to take some photos.
There are some cute cactus too!
Blue sky, green field, yellow flowers... Beautiful!
Besides us, there are a lot of people taking photos too.
继续出发。。。Continue our journey...
我爱自驾游!I love road trip!
今天也是开着我们帅帅的敞篷跑车 - 小红蜂上路,一定要来一张帅帅的合照!
Road trip with a red sport car from Hertz, must take a photo with this beautiful car!
最美的风景在路上!The most beautiful scenery is on the way!
This road is so beautiful, barely to see a car here, take this opportunity to take some photos.
Almost reach our first destination, Barringer Crater or Meteor Crater.
巴林杰陨石坑 Barringer Crater or Meteor Crater
巴林杰陨石坑位于美国亚利桑那州北部的沙漠中,接近溫斯洛,因保存完好而颇具知名度。因为美国內政部通常会以距离某天然地標最近的郵局名称为该地命名,而最近的郵局名称是【Meteor】,美国內政部将它命名为【Meteor Crater】。科学家则将它称为【Barringer Crater】作为对首位提出成因是陨石撞击的科学家丹尼尔·巴林杰的尊敬。该撞击坑是巴林杰家族的私人公司巴林杰陨石坑公司财产,而该公司称巴林杰陨石坑是【地球上最著名,保存最完好的陨石坑】。
Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater approximately 37 miles (60 km) east of Flagstaff and 18 miles (29 km) west of Winslow in the northern Arizona desert of the United States. Because the United States Board on Geographic Names commonly recognizes names of natural features derived from the nearest post office, the feature acquired the name of "Meteor Crater" from the nearby post office named Meteor. Scientists refer to the crater as Barringer Crater in honor of Daniel Barringer, who was first to suggest that it was produced by meteorite impact. The crater is privately owned by the Barringer family through their Barringer Crater Company, which proclaims it to be the "best preserved meteorite crater on Earth".
Meteor Crater lies at an elevation of about 1,740 m (5,710 ft) above sea level. It is about 1,200 m (3,900 ft) in diameter, some 170 m (560 ft) deep, and is surrounded by a rim that rises 45 m (148 ft) above the surrounding plains. The center of the crater is filled with 210–240 m (690–790 ft) of rubble lying above crater bedrock. One of the interesting features of the crater is its squared-off outline, believed to be caused by existing regional jointing (cracks) in the strata at the impact site.
The entrance fee to the crater is 18USD per person, which included the interactive discovery center, IMPACT movie in the large screen theater, a guided tour to the rim of the crater and etc. Before we join the guided tour to the rim of crater, we watched the IMACT movie and visit the discovery center to understand how the crater form and get to know the history of the crater
Refer here for more detail info: http://meteorcrater.com/
The sky are so blue, although spring in Arizona is not too hot, but the sun in the afternoon is still killing me!
Here there are, the giant size meteor crater, this is so amazing, I cannot imagine how huge the meteor was that cause such a huge hole.
We follow the guide to walk around the rim of the crater, you can also see the snow mountain of Flagstaff here.
陨石坑有几个瞭望台,个个都精彩。There are few crater lookup point.
I love the wall outside of the souvenir store, the windows looks like a picture!
Next stop, Winslow old town. 下一站,温斯洛小镇。
温斯洛 Winslow
Finally, I am here, one of the most popular town on Route 66, so excited!
温斯洛, 和其他66号公路的小镇一样,在70年代后期被高速公路取代之后,繁华已不再,想起了迪斯尼卡通闪电麦昆里的场景。小镇很小,只有一条街,可是很清洁漂亮,浓浓的复古风,美国小镇的味道,怎么拍都漂亮。
Winslow, Arizona, was all but forgotten when a freeway displaced Route 66 and travellers began bypassing its downtown in the late 1970s, it reminds me the story of a popular Disney movie - Cars. The town are pretty small, but it was clean and beautiful, we had a lot of fun here and took a lot of beautiful photos too.
美国著名搖滾乐队Eagles的首张专辑的经典作品"Take It Easy"当中第二段正歌(Verse)部份所描写的即为温斯洛,听过这首歌的Eagles歌迷都想来这里朝圣。
Everybody wanted to stand on a corner in this small city after hearing Glenn Frey and the Eagles make it sound so cool in "Take It Easy.''
Standin' on the corner of Winslow!
Is the end of the trip, time to go home...
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