~ 2017的春天,我又在美国 ~

太浩湖一日游 Lake Tahoe Day Trip


今年的美国行我选择走比较轻松的路线,在美国呆了三个星期的Business Trip,我只在周末到附近走走,多是一日游。第一个Day Trip,约了几位同事开车到加州的太浩湖,由于属于高山地带,四月天的太浩湖还是冷冷的,山脉上还是盖满白白的积雪。


This year I spent 3 weeks in United State for business trip, every weekend I went for a day trip to a place nearby. The first place I been was Lake Tahoe. Due to high altitude, spring of Lake Tahoe still full of snow, pretty cold. 


The scenery on the way are beautiful.


Getting closer to Lake Tahoe!

太浩湖又译作塔霍湖,位于美国加利福尼亚州和内华达州边界,在内华达州首府卡森城以西约10英里的地方。它是北美最大的高山湖泊。深501公尺,是美国第二深的湖泊。湖旁边有一个名叫翡翠湾的小湖 (Emerald Bay),是人工挖通的。之所以命名为翡翠湾,它的水的颜色是绿色的。湖泊蓄水量为150.68249立方千米,蓄水量全世界排名第26位。海拔1,897公尺。


Lake Tahoe is a large freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada of the United States. Lying at 6,225 ft (1,897 m), it straddles the border between California and Nevada, west of Carson City. Lake Tahoe is the largest alpine lake in North America, and at 122,160,280 acre·ft (150,682,490 dam3) trails only the five Great Lakes as the largest by volume in the United States. Its depth is 1,645 ft (501 m), making it the second deepest in the United States after Crater Lake in Oregon (1,945 ft (593 m)).

Lake Tahoe is a major tourist attraction in both Nevada and California. It is home to winter sports, summer outdoor recreation, and scenery enjoyed throughout the year. Snow and ski resorts are a significant part of the area's economy and reputation. The Nevada side also offers large casinos, with highways providing year-round access to the entire area. (From Wikipedia)


Wow! This place is awesome, it looks like a painting! 


We spent a lot of time here, relaxing...

从太浩湖的南部往左开,沿着太浩湖的西岸一直往上开,看见美丽的风景就停下,最喜欢这种轻松自在的Road Trip。

From south of Lake Tahoe, turn left and drive along the lake, just stop by anytime you like, this is why i love Road Trip.

太浩湖有许多漂亮的步道,有时间的朋友可以走走看,而我们只是一日游,所以也只能闲逛。来到彩虹步道 Rainbow Trail,牌子上所写的,都没看见啦!第一,靠近小河的步道都给水淹没了,实在走不过去。第二,水底水族馆也貌似关闭了很久,所有设备都乱七八糟的,这方面应该要改进一下,总觉得美国的旅游业没做得很好,太可惜了。 

There are plenty of walking and hiking trail around the lake area, we stopped by at Rainbow Trail, all the facility here was not well maintain, so sad to see such a situation.


Luckily the nature view still stunning!


Beware of wild life.


This place is stunning, take more photo please!

沿着湖走,就会来到太浩湖最著名的翡翠湾 (Emerald Bay),翡翠湾除了美丽的湖景之外,最特别之处就是必须开过一条高海拔的山路才可以到翡翠湾,山路两边都是高高的悬崖,悬崖下就是两座湖,不但景色优美,也很惊险刺激,胆量较差的都没办法开过去。

Continue to drive along the lake, you will reach the very famous spot of Lake Tahoe, Emerald Bay. To get to Emerald Bay, you need to drive through a road between two lakes, which is pretty scary.


The color of the lake is stunning!


Stop by to take a photo here, there is a private island on Emerald Bay.


Most of the road here looks like this, amazing!


Another point to view Emerald Bay, you can hike to the top of the giant rock to have a better view!


Stop by a snow play area to have some fun.


Is the end of the day, go back with I-80, good bye Lake Tahoe.

~ 地球真的很漂亮,如果你,我,他,大家都可以好好的爱他那该有多好,希望地球可以一直那么漂亮下去或是变得更漂亮,我们可以一直幸福的活在这漂亮的星球上。~

~ What a beautiful world we have, hope every single person in this world will love and precious our beautiful world. ~ 

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